As the Summer sun graces us with its presence again sunburn is high on the agenda, it triggers certain responses in the body. As human beings we do like the warm weather, we have no hesitation in exposing our skin to its warm rays, as the sun kissed skin is aesthetically pleasing there are inherent hidden dangers. Did you know that the majority of skin cancer cases are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet light?


The sun & sunbeds produce ultraviolet (UV) rays, positive outcomes include the creation of vitamin D. But there can be dangerous outcomes, over exposure to this can cause lasting damage to the skin. So this includes premature ageing, wrinkled leathery skin & in some cases eye damage. As the skin loses to much moisture it starts to bake, this prevents natural timed recovery of the skin. Overtime it causes cracks in the skin which can lead to infection. Inherently sunburn can hurt anybody, so people exposed to it more frequently for prolonged periods are the highest risk group. For example beech tourists and builders are high risk due to the movement of air.


On appearance Sunburn is more noticeable after sunbathing in the evening time. The skin is very red and hot to touch, as the skin stretches under the heat it can cause pain when moving around. This type of burn is classified as a superficial or a 1st degree burn, this is where the outer layer of the skin has been burnt.


Prevention of Sunburn

Prevention of sunburn is always better than cure, the suns UV rays are at their strongest between the hours of 10am to 4pm. Because this is not totally avoidable, limiting exposure and taking shade where appropriate is key in prevention. Wearing appropriate clothing & using suncream (even whilst in shade) can be beneficial.

Treating Sunburn

Like most burns to be effective at treating sunburn we need to tackle the fire triangle. First remove the heat by cooling the area under cool running water (not cold). This should not exceed 20 minutes. After sun treatment creams can be beneficial as these help to lock in moisture healing the skin naturally. Creams with aloe vera have been proven to be successful. As the days go on their skin heals, this can produced an itchy sensation. So preparations such as calamine lotion can help with this. If blisters present seek medical attention & do not burst them.

You can’t change what happens, you just change what you do about it

Danny McCann – McCann Training Solutions