McCann Training Solutions

McCann Training solutions offers First Aid Training, Health & Safety Training and First Aid for Mental Health Training. Across Northern Ireland we can deliver at a location convenient to you and tailor courses to your needs.
There are a variety of accredited different training courses designed to suit today’s workplace or home.

You will never change what happens


You can change what you do about it

First Aid Training

A crisis situation can be upon you quicker than a blink of the eye, being equipped with the skills and confidence to deal with these can be the difference between life and death. Don’t want to be trapped with indecision? Find out more in dealing and managing these situations by getting in touch now.

Health & Safety Training

Accidents will happen, it is unavoidable, however imagine having the knowledge to foresee and prevent accidents. Simple manual handling or fire awareness are some of the skills needed today to prevent injuries and accidents. Want to look after your workforce and workplace? Call now to see how we can help.

First Aid for Mental Health Training

Mental health issues are more in the eye today than ever. The working environment is changing rapidly, aside that underlying personal reasons add weight onto the shoulders of individuals and organisations alike. Putting a Mental Health ambassador amongst your teams is essential. Do you know the variance of mental health issues that exist today? Why not get in touch with us today to find out how to manage your current and future situations.


Danny McCann
M: 07799 142 534